Monday, February 16, 2009

Hooray! Valentine's Day is Over

Don't get me wrong, I love Valentine's Day if I'm not working in a grocery floral department. But the build-up months before with wondering if I'm ordering enough or too much, wondering how sales will be in this economy, where will I put everything when it comes in...and so on, that's not fun. Although I was surprised that sales were up this year. I guess people still are romantic or maybe the men know that if they don't splurge at least once a year, they'll pay for it the rest of the year. I didn't see Jim this Valentine's Day. I worked late and was too tired to do anything so I didn't even get to have any of the fun of the holiday. I like to have a special day of the year to celebrate love...oh well, there's always next year. He's coming over to spend the day tomorrow, I'll make a big pot of chili...does chili say "love"?

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