Sunday, February 1, 2009

Starry Night

Jim came over last night. We were going to go out for supper, but ended up staying here and eating big bowls of chili, whole wheat bread, and a salad made with a spring mix of baby greens, red grapes and a tarragon vinegar dressing....yummy! Afterwards we went outside. The night was very still and quiet, the stars were bright with not a cloud in the sky. We set up my binoculars on their tripod outside to star gaze for awhile. I have Celestron binoculars made especially for astronomy, not the huge ones, these are 10x50. We saw the craters on the moon and the nebulae in Orion. Then the most wonderful sound came from deep in the woods, off in the distance. A wolf cry. Just one wolf howling into the night, then came an answer from another wolf. Soon there were more wolfs joining in. Then the coyote wanted to get into the act and soon there was quite a chorus going on. That set the neighbors dogs down the road barking. Whoever said the country was peaceful!


  1. Just to let you know, we had sun 7% of the time in Michigan in December. We were up from the 5% I said we had. Has nothing to do with a starry night, but that made me think of all the cloudy days we have.

  2. The chili sounds really good right now...from a yooper neighbor and farmgirl katie in ewen MI.
    PS Nice blog!
