Monday, February 16, 2009

Hooray! Valentine's Day is Over

Don't get me wrong, I love Valentine's Day if I'm not working in a grocery floral department. But the build-up months before with wondering if I'm ordering enough or too much, wondering how sales will be in this economy, where will I put everything when it comes in...and so on, that's not fun. Although I was surprised that sales were up this year. I guess people still are romantic or maybe the men know that if they don't splurge at least once a year, they'll pay for it the rest of the year. I didn't see Jim this Valentine's Day. I worked late and was too tired to do anything so I didn't even get to have any of the fun of the holiday. I like to have a special day of the year to celebrate love...oh well, there's always next year. He's coming over to spend the day tomorrow, I'll make a big pot of chili...does chili say "love"?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Shopping Trip

With last Sunday being the Super Bowl, I decided it would be the best day to go into town to do some shopping. I figured people would be busy getting ready for Super Bowl parties and such. Well, I was wrong, the stores were packed! I went to Michaels, Joann Fabrics, and Barnes and Nobel. I had a gift certificate for Barnes and Nobel that I had gotten from Jim. I knew it would take me a long time to pick out books, so I made it known that I was going alone. That was another reason I went on Super Bowl Sunday, I knew I could go by myself. I bought this stitching encyclopedia. I was so glad Barnes and Nobel had one because I've seen it before but I never would have thought of it if I wouldn't have seen it there. I like to have reference books on hand for different crafts. This one has just about every embroidery stitch imaginable plus needlepoint and cross stitch. The diagrams are easy to follow and there are also projects included. No excuses now, although I don't think even this book could make me enjoy counted cross stitch. Too much counting...not enough stitching! I'll stick to embroidery.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Starry Night

Jim came over last night. We were going to go out for supper, but ended up staying here and eating big bowls of chili, whole wheat bread, and a salad made with a spring mix of baby greens, red grapes and a tarragon vinegar dressing....yummy! Afterwards we went outside. The night was very still and quiet, the stars were bright with not a cloud in the sky. We set up my binoculars on their tripod outside to star gaze for awhile. I have Celestron binoculars made especially for astronomy, not the huge ones, these are 10x50. We saw the craters on the moon and the nebulae in Orion. Then the most wonderful sound came from deep in the woods, off in the distance. A wolf cry. Just one wolf howling into the night, then came an answer from another wolf. Soon there were more wolfs joining in. Then the coyote wanted to get into the act and soon there was quite a chorus going on. That set the neighbors dogs down the road barking. Whoever said the country was peaceful!