Thursday, January 29, 2009

An Unexpected Visitor

Last night about 9:00 as I was working on the computer, I suddenly heard what I thought was someone trying to get in my kitchen patio door. It sounded like someone was trying to pry the door open. I immediatly logged off so I would free up the phone line. I grabbed the phone, ready to call 911 if necessary. I turned on the lights in the kitchen and listened, my heart pounding. Then I realized it sounded more as if an animal was scratching at the door. My first thought was "Cuddles" my resident black bear. Then I realized he's down for the winter. I turned on the outside light and was able to see the culprit scurrying around the side of the garage. It was a porcupine! I looked for damage this morning, but didn't see any. I have no idea what he thought he was going to do once he got in. He could have at least left me a few quills to make up for scaring me half to death!!


  1. Wow! We certainly don't get those where I live! Well, at least it wasn't the bear!!

  2. I would have been really scared to hear something scratching at my door. I probably would have been too afraid to go and see what was making that noise.


  3. I never have anything cool like that happen to me! The only thing that comes around my house is stray cats and squirrels. And maybe the occasional mouse.
