Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Jumping Right In

Well, the time has come to start a blog. The purpose of this endeavor is to be able to stay connected to friends and family; sharing pictures and the events of my everyday life. I can't promise anything grand because my day to day life is definitely not filled with big adventures, just the small things and observations that make up life. Since moving to the Northwoods of Wisconsin two winters ago, life has changed dramatically and very much so for the better. I have never looked back and missed the city. I am thankful everyday that I live where I do and still cannot believe how blessed I am to be here. Oh, yes, the temperature gets down to -25 in the wintertime with wind chills of -40, but the beauty of the landscape makes up for it. Everything is farther away...work is now 25-30min away instead of the 5min it was before the move, but I follow the Wisconsin River on the way to work through the county forest. It's a beautiful drive in any season. I will include as many pictures as I can on this site (even though it takes about 10min per picture with dial-up to download). No high speed available here, too rural. The picture next to my profile was taken last year from my driveway. I captured the full moon peeking between the evergreens to the east of my house. It was a beautiful night. I hope you all enjoy my ramblings. Feel free to leave comments.

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